Entries in financial (2)



A busy fall session of business-related assignments. My piece about the lingering effects of a financial crisis ran in the Economic View section of Sunday's New York Times.

Assignments like these can be challenging. Economics-related articles can induce eye-glazing at the best of times. My job is to counteract that effect. When coupled with the disastrous results of the worldwide economic troubles, you have to resist the urge to go over the edge of the cliff. Although one of my sketches did just that.


Here's another piece for the same section, about charging fees for services that have been offered for free. Citibank suffered a huge backlash and ridicule after placing a $5 user fee on debit card usage.

Great to work with art director Minh Uong on these. 



Video Primer

One of the nice things about assignment illustration is the great people I get to work with. And one of the nicest is SooJin Buzelli. I was able to meet her in person at ICON 6 in Pasadena last July.

I always enjoy having creative freedom, and SooJin always brings out the best in the people she works with. Here is the latest illustration for Planadviser.


The concept for this piece was a primer on getting started in shooting video, and getting eyes focused on your finished product.

I had another piece 'run' in the spring edition as well. More robotic fun!