Entries in newspaper (2)


Shaking the foundations

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
― Andy Warhol

It's been a season of change. I should have posted more work recently, I worked through a huge pile of assignments and worked with a lot of different clients. On top of that all, I relocated my house and studio (more on that in an upcoming post). I think that change is critical - to keep fresh, to see things in a new light and to generate new ideas. I was in my previous studio for 16 years and I needed to sweep out the clutter and open myself to new possibilities.

Work poured in as soon as I set up. So here's a rundown of some recent work, in no particular order.


 Cover art for New Trail magazine (appropriately named since I worked on this cover while on the road), for the University of Alberta. I worked with graphic designer Marcey Andrews to incorporate the text and illustration into the cover and inside spread.

Below is the inside feature.


I spent July and August on the road, travelling across the US and negotiating the move. Here's a tip from a seasoned driver: Don't text and drive! Don't drive distracted. For Road and Track magazine - Adam McGinn, AD.



A couple of spot illustrations, for AdWeek (AD Ron Goodman) and Wall Street Journal (AD Daniel Smith)


I also had a bit of time for the usual machinations in the illustration lab. More to come!


In case you are interested:

My new address is 355 Victoria Avenue, Belleville, Ontario, K8N 2E4

My new phone no. is 613-779-1232. Email remains the same, wiens@kos.net


Back to Work

August was a wake-up call, with a flood of new assignments. A few updates, notes and comments on what's been crossing my desk lately.

But mostly pictures.

Section cover for the Wall Street Journal. I worked with art director Daniel Smith on this assignment. Always great to work with. This piece looks at trends and forecasts in areas like web tv, retail, insurance, healthcare, automotive and entertainment. Article here.


The Dangerous Kitchen: everyday hazards you should be aware of. Peter Morance gave me the call on this one, it's an enlightening read. Keep your fingers out of the guacamole. If you read the article, you will understand the full meaning of that advice.

Second in the series here - avoiding food contaminants.

More to post, with a few projects on the go and others waiting to be published.

I begin teaching at Sheridan College tomorrow. An exciting new chapter in my life and career. Wish me luck!