Entries in mecanismos (4)


Walking Cycle

I've talked about animating my figures for a while. I think the vector format I use lends itself to animation. So, here's a crude walking cycle. Imagine jangling sounds and that drummer from Birdman in the background.

Oh, yeah.



Mecanismos Launch

The Oeno Gallery is a beautiful spot. Owner Carlyn Moulton has been fantastic to work with in launching this show. Mecanismos opened on the weekend, and I took a bit of time to recover from the tension and excitement of launching a solo show.

The show runs through the holidays and will be up until January 3. There was a lot of work involved in getting it together and I am very thankful for all of the friends and folks who showed up at the opening, and to those who bought pieces as well.

I stopped by the gallery this afternoon, when things were quiet to take some photos of the space and the work in place.

Oeno Gallery

I worked with Oeno Gallery to produce a book, including all 100 prints. It includes an introduction by Gary Taxali and I also talk about the process of creating Mecanismos, influences and ideas that went into the work.

$60, contact me if you would like to get your hands on one.




Show Ready


I am very excited about getting the upcoming Mecanismos show together. It opens November 26, at Oeno Gallery. Part of the challenge in launching a show like this is finding a way to get one hundred pieces framed and ready to hang. I worked with Carlyn Moulton at Oeno and we decided to handle the framing on site.


I have been working with Ivan Tanzer, matting the pieces and then assembling the frames. It is meticulous and demanding work, but anything this repetitive has a certain zen-like quality to it. I think that all artists get lost in process at times. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


I also appreciate getting everything together well ahead of schedule. A luxury for someone who works to short deadlines on a regular basis.

If you are in Prince Edward County or passing through, please join me at the opening or drop by to see the show. It runs from November 26 through the holidays until January 3.



Creativity can be daunting at times. Sometimes it's like reading a compass without a needle. What direction to take? I am working towards filling sketchbooks with drawings, but I struggle with the routine. When I am busy working, the sketchbooks sit on the shelf and gather dust.
Most of the work that I do is digitally based, so I do find the time to experiment with vector-based images. A sense of play that I have used in the CMY-X series and Retrobots. This series springs from my digital sketchbooks.

 Over the past couple of years I have been working on a series of screenprints. These are collages based on my collection of dusty old science textbooks, hardward catalogues and do-it-yourself magazines. Animating the inanimate. Bringing out the mad scientist in me.


When I started this series, I felt a strong need to experiment. I've worked on a number of small edition prints, working towards consistency. With this series, I wanted to produce 100 unique prints, using the same elements throughout, but mixing and remixing the different pieces. The heads and bodies are mixed and matched, in and exquisite corpse kind of way. It was exciting to play with different combinations of color, shapes and expressions.


Sixteen heads
Sixteen bodies
45 background elements
7 colors
100 prints

Thanks to Chrissy Poitras and Kyle Topping at Spark Box Studio!
I am putting the first ten in the series up at Illogator.  Or you can contact me directly and I'd be happy to send one along to you.