Entries in robot (9)


Isometric Study: Toy Robots

This series is part of a larger project. I decided to use an isometric perspective on these, it gives me freedom to arrange them in any order as well as create patterns in a larger composition. If that doesn't sound clear, I apologize. Stay tuned for updates on this project.

Doing personal work, part of my digital skectchbook, drives the work i do and feeds creativity. When things slow down, these projects keep me sharp and focused. Excited to work with this and see it through to finish.

Robby the Robot, Nomura, 1950s

Sparking Robot, Noguchi, 1950s

Nonstop Robot, Masaduya, 1950s

Giant Robot, Horikawa (1950s)

Smoking Robot, Yonezawa, 1950s

X-70 Tulip Head Robot, Nomura, 1960s

Krome Dome, Yonezawa, 1960s


Spring work



Decades after the Avro Arrow was shelved, records and aircraft destroyed, amateur sleuths and devotees still work to piece together the legacy. Recently, one of scale models test fired into Lake Ontario was retrieved. Other leads have turned up to be dead ends, but the legend continues to grow. . .

Love to work on subjects like this! Thanks to AD Meg Botha at Watershed Magazine.

Vaccines offer a new beginning. The innovation and development of the COVID vaccine offers hope after a long year and a half of restrictions and tragedy.

Recent assignment for Barron’s.


I've been working on a personal project. Here's an isometric study of a vintage toy robot:

Modern Robot, Yonezawa (1950’s)


Electric Circuits

Very nice to work with Vince Perez at Everlovin' Press, for Visit Kingston.

Looking forward to this celebration of digital media in Kingston next year!


Heavy Thinkers

I saw the movie 'Shape of Water' and I loved the machine aesthetic of the sets. I collect old technical journals and I mined the images for some heavy industrial drawings and got to work. I haven't had a lot of creative time recently, I just finished a major children's book project and a lot of editorial work.

Here are the images in the series, these are all two colour transparent images on an warm background. I really enjoyed working on these, and I kept the series rolling, longer than I would have anticipated. It's great to create flow and get swept up by an idea that carries you along. I don't know where I am going with this yet, I may be creating a series of riso prints. Stay tuned.

Test Run

Heavy Thinker #1

Positive Vibration

Data Miner


Maximum Productivity

Ad Infinitum




Walking Cycle

I've talked about animating my figures for a while. I think the vector format I use lends itself to animation. So, here's a crude walking cycle. Imagine jangling sounds and that drummer from Birdman in the background.

Oh, yeah.