Entries in isometric (1)


Isometric Study: Toy Robots

This series is part of a larger project. I decided to use an isometric perspective on these, it gives me freedom to arrange them in any order as well as create patterns in a larger composition. If that doesn't sound clear, I apologize. Stay tuned for updates on this project.

Doing personal work, part of my digital skectchbook, drives the work i do and feeds creativity. When things slow down, these projects keep me sharp and focused. Excited to work with this and see it through to finish.

Robby the Robot, Nomura, 1950s

Sparking Robot, Noguchi, 1950s

Nonstop Robot, Masaduya, 1950s

Giant Robot, Horikawa (1950s)

Smoking Robot, Yonezawa, 1950s

X-70 Tulip Head Robot, Nomura, 1960s

Krome Dome, Yonezawa, 1960s